
This article outlines the general outline of the ParkingDAO. For details about this application, look at its source

Register a User

In order to register as a User, simply call the registerUser function in the ParkingAuthority master contract. This will deploy a User proxy-contract which is owned by the caller. The master contract can validate the application with additional logic, currently this is mocked by accepting all applications.

Register an Anchor

In order to register an anchor, call the registerParkingAnchor function in the ParkingAuthority master contract. This function takes 2 arguments, an anchorId and a geohash. The anchorId is just a stand-in for any other auxilliary data required to be a ParkingAnchor. The ParkingAuthorty validates the application (currently mocked to accept all applications), then deploys the ParkingAnchor proxy-contract which is owned by the caller. The ParkingAuthority then registers the parking anchor as a Crypto Spatial Coordinate (see CSC.sol) with the Foam Crypto Spatial Registry contract (see FoamCSR.sol).

  participant Owner
  participant ParkingAuthority
  participant FoamCSR
  Owner->>ParkingAuthority: apply with geohash and anchorId
  ParkingAuthority->>ParkingAuthority: reject / validate application
  ParkingAuthority->>FoamCSR: create anchor as csc, register anchor
  ParkingAuthority->>Owner: transfer ownership to applicant

Apply for zone

A zone is defined as a geohash corresponding to a bounded box on the map of a fixed resolution (in this case, a bytestring of length 4 bytes). The FoamCSR contract and CSC standard uses a bytestring of lenghth 8-bytes to represent the coordinates of the ParkingAnchor. Thus, a ParkingAnchor is in a zone if the first 4 bytes of the anchor’s geohash match the zone’s geohash.

A User can apply to the ParkingAuthority for the ability to park in a certain zone using the requestZone function and supplying the desired zone as an argument. The ParkingAuthority validates the application (currently the authority accepts all applications), then updates the User’s set of licensed zones.

  participant Owner
  participant User
  participant ParkingAuthority
  Owner->>User: send desired zone
  User->>ParkingAuthority: forward request for zone
  ParkingAuthority->>ParkingAuthority: reject / validate application
  ParkingAuthority->>User: update licensedZone list

Pay for parking

In order to pay for parking, the owner of a User proxy-contract calls the payForParking function supplying the address of the desired ParkingAnchor as an argument as well payment for parking. Currently the only requirement is that the payment is non-zero. The ParkingAnchor checks that the User is allowed to park in the zone that it occupies, then accepts the funds or denies the request. It then sets state in the User proxy-contract indicating that the User is currently parked there.

  participant Owner
  participant User
  participant ParkingAnchor
  Owner->>User: call payForParking with nonzero payment
  User->>User: setPendingAnchor
  User->>ParkingAnchor: forwardPayment
  ParkingAnchor->>User: zones? & pendingAnchor?
  User->>ParkingAnchor: zones & pendingAnchor
  ParkingAnchor->>ParkingAnchor: reject if not valid
  ParkingAnchor->>User: set checkIn and clear pendingAnchor